Trade and Use

From the few kilos of bulbs that our grandparents used to cultivate in their vegetable gardens, which were looked after and handed down from one generation to another, we started our own production.

Packages available:

- 0,10 gr. Case - 0,20 gr. Case - 0,30 gr. Chest - 1 gr. Chest

All our packages, in addition to include the purest saffron produced in the heart of the Val
d’Orcia Artistic Natural and Cultural Park, enhance with a booklet with our stories and recipes.

Saffron is perfect for haute cuisine as during drying process it is not contaminated with resins or smokings.

It could be the possibility to request the integration of anti-theft system inside the package.

For information and orders, contact us.

On sale saffron is powdered or in whole stigmas.

Buying stigmas you have the security of purchasing pure saffron and this is our choice.

“Pura Crocus” saffron is put on the market in stigmas.

The external packaging guarantees protection from light, an additional guarantee of quality and integrity that we wanted decided to let the taste and smell of our saffron come to you perfectly intact, as we ourselves are used to.

Before using, the stigmas are soaked in warm water or other liquid. To have the best result from our saffron pistils, they can be used in two ways:

a) Put the pistils in hot water or other liquid for over an hour so that the color and aroma are released.

Both the liquid and the stigmas may be used to prepare your recipe.

b) Place the pistils to use on a piece of parchment paper and chop until they turn into dust. Pour the powder into the dish during the last few minutes of cooking, thanks to this process the flavors will be intensified.

Saffron Honey


On a selection of cheeses or ricotta

On a slice of bread (indescribably good with fresh butter)

On cooked fruit

On a biscuit or on a cake for dessertIn fruit cakes

With natural yogurt and fruit salad

.… and in 1000 other ways.

Rosso Miele – Symphony of emotions – Long Life Elixir

With these words – also intended as synonyms – an ancient recipe has been handed down, indeed whispered, in our family for generations. It seems that the origin dates back to the sixteenth century when about six hundred families of Sienese exiles, after a long siege by the Spanish-Medicean army, moved to Montalcino. In this town, known today worldwide above all for its wine and precisely in its Fortress, the Republic of Siena (1555-1559) remained alive. In those terrible years, of siege and famine, up to the peace signed to Cateau Cambrésis between Spain and France, which sanctioned the end of the Republic of Siena and the last bastion of republican liberties in Italy, a sort of secret legend attributes the birth of this recipe. The great hardships, the lack of food, the enormous efforts due to the war resistance were alleviated (slightly or miraculously) by a mixture based on honey and saffron. We looked for historical sources of this recipe but the outcome was negative even though the cultivation of saffron in the lands surrounding the homeland of Brunello in that historical period is documented.

It is certain that our grandparents and our grandparents’ grandparents, after exhausting days of work, used to refresh themselves with what the good housewife could find in the cupboard and on the farm – always not enough – loved to finish the meal with red honey spread on top. a slice of cheese (in the most fortunate periods) or bread in the vast majority of cases.

My grandfather also called it Symphony or Elisir “Come on, give me a couple of spoons of Symphony that today I never stopped and the night is long …”.

On winter evenings, near the fireplace of the farm, there was always someone who told with a certain dose of malice and also not too veiled allusions that, on the evening before each conception of all the children, male and female, of the family for generations, at least one of the two spouses if not both had eaten this food. “ONLY LEGEND, FURBERIES, NOTHING TRUE” countered laughing the mothers present.

You will not find this recipe written in ancient texts or in some remote corner of the library or archive, you will have to trust the culinary wisdom told us, handed down for centuries and our memory because we too will be faithful to tradition and its rules!

With passion, simplicity, modesty and a lot of enthusiasm we try to bring to your table a Symphony of aromas and properties that was born in the heart of the Val d’Orcia from an ancient and secret recipe…

Nuovelle Cousine…

The Red Heart of Val d'Orcia

Stigmas from 120-150,000 flowers are needed to produce one kilo of dry saffron. Fifteen flowers of saffron produce on average 0.10 grams of
finished product, that is to say 150 flowers per gram.

Colour and aroma

The yellow-gold color and its aroma come from unique qualities of the plant.

Ancient tradition

The Saffron coltivation and use has ancient origin in the human history and culture.

Drying and storage

Numerous legends and stories describe the virtues and qualities of saffron.

Productive cycle

Today saffron is used as for the preparation for traditional recipes as for haute cuisine.