Author: pura-crocus

  • Riso zafferano e liquirizia

    Far rosolare in olio d’oliva extravergine della cipolla, aggiungere il riso sfumando con del vino bianco. Aggiungere, un poco alla volta, il brodo di gallina e lo zafferano Pura Crocus in stimmi (0,10 grammi). Portare a cottura e mantecare con burro e pecorino di Pienza. Allargare il risotto nei piatti e cospargere la superficie con polvere di liquirizia. Ricapitolando gli ingredienti: 400 gr. di riso, ¼ di cipolla tritata, 10 gr. di olio d’oliva, vino bianco, brodo di gallina, 50 grammi di burro, 100 gr. pecorino di Pienza, sale, liquirizia, 0,10 gr. di zafferano Pura Crocus

  • Middle Ages

    Middle Ages

    Saffron has been grown in Val d’Orcia since the Middle Ages and  it was exported mainly to Germany. In 1857, during the Tuscan agrarian exhibition Clemente Santi – one of the fathers of the Brunello di Montalcino – presented the “Saffron from Montalcino’s soil” for whose virtues and qualities deserved the prize in the exhibition. “Saffron of Mr. Santi from Montalcino is estimated for the smell and richness of coloring matter … ” .

    At the end of the last century the production was almost stopped and only in recent years has been rediscovered.

  • Since Ancient Times

    Since Ancient Times

    …”Since ancient times in Montalcino there were news about saffron cultivation, croco sativus.

    Giovanni Botti, judge and notary public in the city of Florence, was sent to Montalcino in 1593 by Apostolic Nuncio Mario Giorgi, following the request of the Sacred College, to collect information about our economy on behalf of the Concistorial Congregation. Ten witnesses from Montalcino were summoned and asked the same 12 questions. They all gave the same answers – the local economy, based on agriculture and craftmanship, was thriving. Quoting GiacomoAngelini’s answer to one of the questions: “Saffron is cultivated in the farms of Sant’Antimo” (the document containing this quote was found in the secret archives of the Vatican).

    Giorgio Giorgetti (Crete senesi nell’età moderna – Studi e ricerca di storia rurale; La Nuova Stampa, Città di Castello, 1983) writes, on page 12: “When the right economic conditions are present – they are in Montalcino – cultivating a highly mercantile plant of a significantly high value such assaffron is also possible”.

    The testimony of 16th Century naturalist Pier Andrea Mattioli: “…in Tuscany and around Siena, the precious [spice] is grown and used, and is sold to the other side of the mountains for health and industrial purposes. It is, as amatter of fact, a plant for which any sterile andpoor soil is good and which has a particular desire for clayey and medium-textured soil”.Montalcino, 29th November 2014

    Montalcino, 29th novembre 2014

    Ilio Raffaelli

    Mayor of Montalcino from 1960 to 1980


    Sbucciate un limone, tagliate la scorza a striscioline sottili, spremete il limone. In una casseruola mettete un cucchiaino di succo di limone, 100 gr. di zucchero e 5 cucchiai d’acqua. Fate cuocere a fuoco lento per circa 6 minuti ovvero finché lo zucchero non si trasforma in caramello. Fate bollire 500 ml di latte e aggiungetevi un terzo del caramello mescolando. I restanti due terzi di caramello metteteli in 4 stampi e cercate di ruotarli facendo attaccare il caramello in ogni lato. Unite al latte lo zafferano (10 stimmi) precedentemente immerso in mezzo bicchiere di latte tiepido. Mescolate il tutto. Montate 8 tuorli con 100 gr. di zucchero con una frusta elettrica per 5 minuti. Quando avrete ottenuto una soffice crema, unitevi il composto di prima fatto intiepidire e non bollente (basta aspettare un quarto d’ora). Mescolate bene con la frusta. Mettete il forno a 180 °, versate il composto nei 4 stampini e posizionateli in una teglia con acqua che arrivi ai 2/3 delle pareti degli stampini. Fate cuocere 45 minuti. Una volta raffreddateli mettete in frigo per un’ora e serviteli decorando con le striscioline di limone.



    Take 500 ml. of fresh cream and boil together with 200 ml of milk and 100 grams. Of sugar for about two minutes. Add 8 dried stigmas of the saffron infusion in half a glass of warm milk about an hour before. Bring back to boiling and stirring. Add to the mixture 12 gr. of isinglass put in cold water previously. Mix and pour the mixture into a container or into special molds. When the mixture is cooler, put it in the fridge for at least 3 hours. Serve with blackberry jam.


    In a glass of warmed white wine infuse 0.10 grams of saffron for at least half an hour. Take 4 slices of pork and flour them on both sides. In a pan fry oil and let scaloppine cook for about 5 minutes per side. Add white wine and saffron, salt and pepper. Do restrict the sauce making sure to turn scaloppine at least a couple of times. Serve scaloppine very hot with saffron sauce.


    Take a big piece of Chianina IGP (the white giant of Tuscany) topside of at least three pounds. Insert in small holes chopped garlic, bacon, pork, salt, pepper and lemon zest. The holes should be about ten. It binds with string like a homemade sausage.

    Take a pan, put olive oil, garlic, onion, carrot and celery finely chopped. Add meat and cook on low heat, after 10-15 minutes add a glass of red wine and let it partially  evaporate. Add 500 grams tomatoes, put the lid and cook slowly.

    When the meat is almost cooked add 0.10 grams of saffron in an half a glass of water put in infusion one hour before. Meat, if well cooked and excellent quality, will be very tender. Cut into slices about an inch thick and serve with sauce cooking.


    Chop an half onion and brown it in a frying pan in olive oil, add 4  wildboar sausages. Add 0.1 grams of saffron put in infusion in half glass of warm water or broth. Cook the pasta, drain and add to the mixture  with some pecorino cheese aged for at least six months. Our grandparents did like this and it will be a delight for your taste but only if you use carefully, as them, products of the Val d’Orcia.


    Take about a kilogram of mixed seafood (mussels, cuttlefish, squid, shrimp, scampi). In a pan with olive oil cook scampi and shrimp for a minute, remove them from the pan and let them by. Cut the cuttlefish and squid in cubes and let them brown in the pan used previously for shrimps.

    Add mussels, 300 grams of tomato sauce and minced garlic. Cook, adding after about ten minutes a couple of peppers cut into pieces. Add the fish stock and 400 grams of rice. After 10 minutes , add 0.20 grams of saffron, in infusion in fish broth warm, scampi and shrimp. Salt and pepper and cook for 5 minutes more.

    There are many variations of paella, depending on the area where it is prepared (peas added together with rice, spicy salami etc.).



    Take a pound of zucchini and cut into slices. In a frying pan put extra virgin olive oil and garlic, add the zucchini and a pinch of salt. Cook for about 10 minutes. Remove the garlic cloves and add 0.10 g. saffron put in infusion in half glass of warm water an hour before. Pepper to taste. Cook the trofie, drain them but not too much and sauté in a pan along with the zucchini. Serve the pasta with extra virgin olive oil and pecorino cheese.